Tree removal is a major process that tree owners have to do every now and again when a tree has died during the winter, gotten infested with pests or becomes a danger to the home or public right of way. Tree removal is hard work. It’s not something that should be handled by inexperienced people. If you want the landscaping of your home to look as nice as possible, you should invest the extra money in hiring a tree cutting company. It may cost more, but it will be done in a safe and effective way.

Although many tree owners may consider tree cutting to be the removal of entire limbs or branches from trees, tree cutting is actually the removal of a tree from its stump by chainsaw. Tree cutting is a very dangerous process as a result, with wood chips flying everywhere and branches strewn out across the lawn for children and pets to potentially get injured. So tree owners need to take steps when hiring a tree cutting service to ensure that their families and property are safe throughout the process.

Tree Cutting Service FAQ

Akin to tree removal service questions, there are many similar questions that tree owners should ask tree cutting services–at least three–before they consider hiring them. These include questions like:

  • Can they provide a copy of their license and insurance?
  • Do they have a list of references?
  • How long will the tree cutting process take?
  • Will they be able to give you an estimate?

Tree owners should especially ask ahead of time about safety equipment and gear that the tree cutting service has to fell the tree. Chainsaws are a paramount item in the tree cutting process, which means that the tree cutting team should have hard hats, gloves, safety suits, boots, headphones and safety goggles to protect them against the debris of the tree.

Once again, do not put money down before the service is rendered. This could lead to tree owners never having the tree removed and being scammed in the process. Also, ask about whether or not they will remove the debris in addition to the tree afterwards, as it could be problematic for tree owners otherwise to clean up the yard and handle all the excess branches and wood chips. Consider having a contract signed between both parties to ensure the work is carried out correctly.


Do you need help with some trees on your property? Fill out this form to get in touch.

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9:00am – 6:00pm




9:00am – 6:00pm